Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A Journey through the book of Acts- STARTS APRIL 5

As I write this, some of you are journeying with me through the Gospel of Luke on "Jesus' Facebook Page". I hope you are finding that journey enjoyable. I certainly am.

I am putting this out early for awareness and also with the hope that you will continue to journey with me after Lent.

Beginning on Monday, April 5th (the day after Easter), I will be writing a series of devotions that will take us all the way through the book of Acts. The series is called, "The Ripple Effect" and focuses on how the early church reached out in a pre-Christian World. The parallel for us is that we also reach out and serve Jesus in a pre-Christian world. Much to learn from this fascinating book. The "Ripple Effect" series runs through May 8th.

Important fact-- Luke also wrote Acts. (basically about 1/4 of the New Testament). So, if you continue on the journey with me, we will have read through 1/4 of the New Testament by Mother's Day.

Join me. Please also remember to share with others.

Pastor Dave Sonnenberg